Get to know PepsiCo Brazil
PepsiCo: Helping people and planet in Brazil
100%of our factories are Landfill Zero since 2021
which means that all our food and beverage plants reuse in some way all the waste generated in the manufacture of our products.
5Xfinalist in Top of Mind HR awards
This ranking recognizes the most valued employers in Brazil
R$16 mmdestined as private social investment
Investment made to support socially vulnerable populations in the country between 2020 and 2022
Featured Openings
Fortaleza, Brazil

SustainabilityFor 70 years bringing smiles to Brazil's celebrations
We are PEPSI®, LAY'S®, RUFFLES®, CHEETOS®, DORITOS®, KERO COCO®, GATORADE®, TODDYNHO®, QUAKER®, and many other iconic brands that have been a part of your history.

Our ESG strategy
We are one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, and with PepsiCo Positive (pep+), we are transforming our business daily to create growth and value while inspiring positive changes for the planet and people.
Our cultureRacial Equity
Here at PepsiCo we know that we need movement to change the status quo. That's why we have the goal of 30% of our leadership positions occupied by black people by 2025.

Why PepsiCo? Employees answer
To make an impact

Engaging people makes me smile in my work, and this has been the best part of my job, being able to share my professional trajectory within PepsiCo and show that everything depends on each of us, the determination, the strength is within each one, just want.”
It’s dynamic

What makes me smile every day at PepsiCo is the constant challenges, and the best part is that every day is different and fun. I had the opportunity to have critical experience as a salesperson since I joined 4 years ago.”
To innovate

My team has very amazing people, who teach me to be a better leader and human being everyday. Each one of them has the ability to touch my heart in a way and make me very happy with the work I do."

Life at PepsiCoHit play on your career: Elevate your professional experience with PEPcast, the PepsiCo career podcast.

Life at PepsiCoInspira Podcast: Find out how we generate a positive impact on the gender equality agenda
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