New Zealand
South Korea
SustainabilityLocally sourced spuds
Where do the potatoes for Smith’s crisps come from? Walk the fields of a third-generation family farm in Australia where this key crop is grown and harvested.
How do I apply to PepsiCo?
How do I apply to PepsiCo?
Finding opportunities is easy. Use our job search or ask the personal recruiting assistant, Chester Cheetah, for some suggestions. You can also search by global region, country or other keywords. Try “remote” for jobs where location is flexible; “MBA” or other qualifications if you have specialized credentials; or a product name like “Cheetos” if you want a match to a favorite brand.
Read and take notes on the whole job description. Look at the job responsibilities and list past experiences where you’ve accomplished similar tasks. Use the Career Areas and Locations sections to learn more about specific teams you may be joining, and do some additional research about PepsiCo on our overall corporate site.
Got your opportunity picked out? Apply online to the job or internship you want and enter your details and answer prescreening questions.
Checking your application status is easy. Visit the Candidate Dashboard to get private updates and contact our recruiting team.
Our cultureFlexible work = fewer limits on success
Bangkok traffic? PepsiCo has a solution for that. Thailand associates talk about the flexible work options that make them smile.
SustainabilityPreserving, conserving water in Thailand
InnovationDare To Do More teams from PepsiCo Thailand make finals
È importante come lavoriamo
Sostenibilità globale
Preoccupandosi del futuro del pianeta, PepsiCo è molta attenta alla fonte dei raccolti e degli ingredienti.
Diversità, uguaglianza e inclusione
PepsiCo si realizza solo quando i suoi lavoratori e la società di cui è parte prospera
La storia della nostra alimentazione
Ci innoviamo costantemente, cercando modi per aggiungere cereali integrali, ridurre gli zuccheri e migliorare le nostri ricette senza sacrificare i sapori.
Vita Salutare
I programmi di well-being per gli impiegati di PepsiCo aiutano a sentirsi meglio, a trovare un equilibrio e sentirsi coinvolti.
Ci farebbe sorridere/felici che ti unissi alla nostra comunità di talenti
Iscriviti e ricevi notifiche sulle opportunità in linea con le tue competenze.