Get to know PepsiCo Egypt

PepsiCo works to advance Egypt

60 Enactus college chapters

PepsiCo Egypt sponsors competitions for this nonprofit’s programs and competitions, which teach teamwork, social innovation and entrepreneurship.

390,000Egyptians by 2024

Working with CARE, PepsiCo and She Feeds the World will aid women, men and children with tools that boost their economic resilience, agricultural skills and financial literacy.

2xco-partner for Egypt’s Entrepreneur Awards

PepsiCo helps celebrate innovation, change-making, diversity and entrepreneurship through the annual EEA program.

InnovationA small global team, one big idea to save water

When PepsiCo made its annual call for The Next Big Idea, hundreds answered. Among them, five women from five countries with the motto “More crop per drop.”

Caring for the whole planet, starting in Egypt

PepsiCo Egypt is committed to PepsiCo’s global vision of sustainable growth. In our business and through our outreach to communities, suppliers, and small businesses, we emphasize efficient use of sustainable farming practices, energy and natural resources — especially water.

We’re also working to create a world where plastic does not ever need to become waste. In addition to reducing total plastic use in our packaging, we are creating public-private partnerships to collect and recycle post-consumer plastic waste.

Our cultureCollaboration, growth, opportunity

Flexible work environments boost engagement, work-life balance and all-around well-being. Work that Works is a program for PepsiCo corporate associates that empowers associates and their managers to choose where and howwork gets done. Because whenassociates are supported, they achieve even greater success.

Life at PepsiCoPepsiCo Egypt colleagues face off for video games

Life at PepsiCoGo inside PepsiCo Egypt by following our Instagram

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